
A residential sober living facility.

Beacon House was founded in 1997 to provide men suffering from alcohol and drug addiction with a safe, structured and accountable living environment.  We are the next step after treatment on the recovery continuum of care for individuals seeking long-term recovery support in the community. Our goal is to return men to a sober, independent and productive life.  We use a transitional living model and provide residents in their first year of sobriety assertive referrals to intensive outpatient treatment (IOP), life skills education and case management, and peer support. Beacon House has played a critical role in the success of thousands of people in their path to recovery.

Our Residents Need Your Help

A safe and comfortable place to live is vital to every human, but that’s especially true on the journey of recovery from substance use. Every resident in our program is starting a new life of sobriety. You can support them in this transformation!

Would you consider sponsoring a room or helping us furnish one? Our residents’ rooms haven’t been updated in years. We also experienced fire and subsequent flooding recently. It’s our goal to take in more residents in 2024; that’s why this project is more important than ever!

Each room provides a safe space for 3 men and the cost to remodel and furnish a room is around $15,000.

We’re honoring every room sponsor with a dedicated plaque outside your room. What a great way to leave a legacy with your life or the life of a loved one!


Do you have beds available?2024-02-01T12:40:42-05:00

Please call 502-581-0765 for bed availability.

How long is your program?2024-02-01T12:41:20-05:00

We require a minimum stay of six months. You may stay as long as you need. Most successful clients stay between nine months and a year.

How do I apply to Beacon House Aftercare?2024-02-01T12:42:01-05:00

Please call 502-581-0765 and speak with one of our Resident Managers to schedule an interview appointment. You will be notified of bed availability when making the interview appointment.

What is required for intake?2024-02-01T12:42:46-05:00

You must be at least 7 days sober, have attended a thirty-day treatment program from a certified facility in the last three months, at least 25 years old and participate in a face-to-face interview on premise. Those in a treatment facility may interview via Zoom. We cannot accept anyone on the sex registry.

How much does the program cost?2024-02-01T12:43:16-05:00

The Beacon House program fee is $147 per week with a $147 deposit. The deposit and the first week’s fees ($294) are due upon admission.

Some residents may qualify for a “new resident loan” which after paying the initial refundable deposit, the loan may cover up to the first four weeks of programming fees, or until receipt of the first paycheck, whichever occurs first. The resident is responsible to repay the loan over a reasonable time period.

Does Beacon House take insurance?2024-02-01T12:43:46-05:00

Beacon House is self-pay for our programming services and housing. However, we do require our residents to attend clinical treatment and most providers do accept insurance. We will assist you in finding Medicaid or other insurance.

Do I have to attend clinical treatment?2024-02-01T12:44:18-05:00

Yes, all residents must attend clinical treatment which includes Intensive Out Patient (IOP), 8 weeks, continuing care, 8 weeks and therapy as prescribed. The costs of clinical services are covered by insurance.

Do you allow medications?2024-02-01T12:45:00-05:00

The Beacon House is an abstinence-based program. We do accept clients with co-occurring psychiatric conditions such as anxiety, depression and bipolar as long as they are compliant with a treatment plan. Individuals who have been prescribed addictive, scheduled medications such as stimulants, narcotics, sedatives and tranquilizers may require a higher level of care. Each applicant will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and no one will be denied admission solely on the basis of their current use of physician-prescribed medications.

Do you drug test?2024-02-01T12:45:34-05:00

You will be required to pass a drug screen at the time of admission to the Beacon House. Following admission, staff reserve the right to randomly drug test all residents for any reason. This may include urine drug screens, laboratory tests, and breathalyzers.

Do you take women an or couples?2024-02-01T12:46:20-05:00

The Beacon House only accepts men at this time.

Are residents allowed to work here?2024-02-01T12:47:31-05:00

Residents are required to have full-time (35+ hours/week) employment within 30 days of moving in. Treatment and recovery goals come first – work schedules cannot interfere with your treatment plan, IOP, or continuing care.

Can I have a car at Beacon House?2024-02-01T12:48:31-05:00

Residents may have their own vehicles, but they must have current registration, Insurance, and a valid driver’s license. Use of cars is not allowed during the first two weeks.

Are cell phones permitted?2024-02-01T12:49:05-05:00

Cells phones are permitted but cell phone use is prohibited during Beacon House meetings, outside meetings and certain activities. Cell phones are not allowed during the first two weeks.

What if I am on Social Security & Disability?2024-02-01T12:49:56-05:00

We do accept persons on social security and disability. We do require 35+ hours of part-time work or volunteer or service work each week. Program fees are paid on a monthly basis.

May I have visitors?2024-02-01T12:50:44-05:00

Residents may have visitors from 8 am to 10 pm.  Visitation is restricted to common areas and may not interfere with scheduled programming activities. During Property Restriction, visitors are limited to immediate family members.

Do I get weekend passes?2024-02-01T12:51:18-05:00

Over thirty-day residents get two-weekend passes per month. Cannot be on consecutive weekends.

After 6 months, residents get four 2-day passes per month. You must be at the house for 4 consecutive nights before taking an additional pass. You must be present in the house for at least one weekend per month.        

Is there a curfew?2024-02-01T12:51:54-05:00

New residents must observe a curfew of 11 pm for the first 30 days after which observe a curfew of 11 pm Sunday – Thursday and 1 am on Friday and Saturday. Long-term residents observe a curfew of 1 am.

Do you accept persons from jail?2024-02-01T12:52:35-05:00

We do accept people from jail upon the recommendations of parole or probation, social workers or in-house discharge planners. We will interview inmates at the jail. We do accept HIP clients but the cost of which is the responsibility of the inmate.

Beacon House Residents Testimonials

Without the help and support from the Beacon House and the program of AA, I don’t think I could have made it through the recent death of my mother. I am now able to process those feelings and be strong and help my other family members.

Helping others is helping myself and I have learned that from AA and the Beacon House.

John R.

I am forever grateful to this house for introducing me to AA and putting me in the position to give the program a chance.

Beau H.

The Beacon House has given me the support and tools to build back a successful life. It has given me back self-respect and discipline. The Beacon House has given me a new life and a renewed spirit to succeed.

Tommy F.
It has taught me to be a better son, a better man, and showed me that my life has meaning. I got to work on time, I pay my rent, and don’t have to rely on anyone to pay my bills.
Jacob P.
Because of the requirements of the house I have found the old Eric that I buried deep within me. My daughter loves me more than she ever has and My family answers the phone when I call them. Today I get to be a father, son, brother and friend.
Eric K.
I got a clean bed to sleep in, warm showers, food, rides to meetings, kindness and love from the staff and residents, but that was just the beginning.

…to be a present, caring and loving father who can contribute more than just money to my children’s lives.

…not to complain about the ups and downs in life, but to embrace them, to have a clear mind and a clean bill of health for the first time in a decade.

John N.

The Beacon House has allowed me to have my kids back in my life. My kids don’t have to wonder or question whether I am or if I am going to show up. They know Daddy is going to be there.

Chris W.
I have a sense of peace and serenity these days that I haven’t felt in a long time. This house has given me things that I probably won’t understand until after I write these words.
Richard B.

During my stay at the Beacon House, I have been able to really focus on my goals, my health and the problems my alcoholism has caused in my life. I made the best and right choice by staying at the Beacon House.

Gum N.

It has helped give me my sense of self-worth and self-respect back. It has helped me find my true self, given my family back, and me back to my family. It has given me my freedom back.

Stephen S.

Beacon House has given me traits that I can pass down to my daughter, and be the father I was destined to be. Beacon House gave me and still gives me the ability to be a better person.

Greg H.
The Beacon House has taught me self-respect. The Beacon House has taught me complete and total honesty. Without it, I would never have gained the willingness to get and stay sober.
John McC.

Also, I am learning how to become a productive member of society by incorporating what I am learning here such as; accountability, responsibility, spirituality and routine.

David R.

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