Jeremy Cottrell, Beacon House Alumnus


How would you describe your life before you came into the Beacon House?

The years before I made it to the Beacon House, I caused myself to become diabetic because of my lifestyle. 

I was selling my medical supplies in order to fuel my addiction. I was in the hospital. I was on the brink of death but I really didn’t want to get sober.

The hospital took me to JADAC (Jefferson Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center) From there, I was taken to the UofL psych ward. After that, I went to Recovery Works where I was eventually referred to the Beacon House. 

When I was first receiving help from JADAC, I actually toured halfway houses like the Beacon House, but it was clear I wasn’t ready yet. I had some work to do before I could begin a program like that. So, I completed rehab and, while there, I called the Beacon House as a potential next step for me. I remember them finally telling me “You’re ready.”

What was your experience like at the Beacon House?

Being there was a shock at first because I had no order in my life before that. They instilled responsibility in me, like going to meetings. I formed a brotherhood with all the guys there and this organization taught me at 35 years old – for the first time in my life – what it meant to be a man.

That’s awesome! So, you’ve already shared some features. But can you share other ways you think the Beacon House is different from other programs?

Well, the structure is the biggest thing. Also, how nice it is there, like a home. They’re not about getting money. You know, it’s just about giving back and truly helping others. 

How long were you in their residential program?

I lived at the Beacon House from July 2016 until December of 2020. 

I’d love to honor another milestone. Tell me how long you’ve been sober.

I’m happy to share that I’ve been sober for almost 9 years since May 25th, 2016. 

Jeremy's Career after Beacon House

Congratulations! How did you make your way into the career you have now as an Automotive Technician? 

The first job I got at the Beacon House was working at a barbecue restaurant, but I had worked on cars with my dad all my life and worked at other places too. 

For some reason, I thought that if I wasn’t high, I wouldn’t be able to stick with a job. I had this fear of making a big move, so I worked at the BBQ restaurant for 18 months, I think. Then, Jamie, a good buddy of mine and one of my mentors, told me he thought I was ready to take a new step in my career. l put in an application at James Collins Ford as a technician and was hired. I’ve been here since October of 2017.

Their dealership has been intentional about hiring several members of the Beacon House residential program. Virginia, the manager at James Collins, spoke very highly of you, your skills, and your progress. How do you enjoy working there? 

It’s great! Most of the people that I work with are either living at the Beacon House or used to live there. So the majority of people in the automotive shop are in AA, so there’s kind of a brotherhood here too. I’m grateful for Virginia and others who have given us these opportunities.

How would you describe your life now when you reflect on the road you’ve walked the last 10+ years. How is it better now?

My life looks like owning my own home now. I completed training at James Collins and now I’m certified as a Senior Master Technician, the highest ranking you can get in my field. I have a wife. I have a relationship with my kids. I have a relationship with my family again, and they trust me now. I mean, my parents used to be scared of me coming over because I would steal from them and now have a key to their house. 

Jeremy with Virginia at James Collins Ford

That statement about your family is a great example of a turnaround! I like that. I guess the last thing we’d love to know is what word of encouragement would you give someone who’s just deciding they want help with substance abuse? 

My encouragement to someone else would be to not give up. Keep pushing. It gets better every day. I’m proof of that.

The Beacon House is honored to have Jeremy as a distinguished alumnus of our program. We are proud of his transformation, hard work, and continued sobriety. We appreciate him sharing his story in this interview, and we ask that our entire community continue to cheer him on!

Stay tuned for our next featured story with James Collins Ford on their partnership with us, giving residents the chance at a new career!