Beacon News

Beacon News2024-07-03T10:42:41-04:00

Local Community Matters, Especially to Joe

Raised in Louisville, Joe Dougherty is a product of the local community, having attended Holy Spirit and St. Xavier, and now the CEO of Louisville Paving Construction, all of this just like his father before him.  This strong connection to his community has fueled his passion for giving back, particularly through his work with our nonprofit organization. It was through David Harrod, another long-time donor and previous spotlight in our series, that Joe was first introduced to our nonprofit. This alone shows you the power of relationships and word of mouth!  David eventually invited Joe to join our board, where he served as chairman, leaving a lasting impact on our organization during a very critical time for us. Direct Issues Facing our Community Joe shared how his life and the values he imparts into his company are focused on two critical areas: Catholic education and drug and alcohol rehabilitation. The latter issue weighs heavy on him. "I've seen it in people I know, people I work with, co-workers, friends, and just the stats across the community. The devastation caused by substance abuse is significant," he says. "At some level, [...]

By |August 22nd, 2024|Categories: Addiction, Recovery|Comments Off on Local Community Matters, Especially to Joe

Get to Know One of Our Longest Standing Donors

David Harrod’s roots run deep in Louisville, Kentucky. Born and raised near Holy Trinity and reared in the halls of Trinity High School, David embodies the spirit of community and continues to honor our community as one of our longest standing donors. As the President of Harrod Concrete and Stone and Harrod Transport Company, he leads the family businesses founded by his father in the mid-1950s. Today, his daughter also works alongside him, and hopefully, her children will continue this entrepreneurial legacy. But David’s story extends beyond his professional achievements. A Personal Connection to the Beacon House David's introduction to Beacon House was serendipitous yet transformative. Several of his friends, already involved with Beacon House, were on their own alcohol recovery journeys along with David. Intrigued by their experiences, David found himself drawn to the mission of Beacon House during its earlier years when the organization was struggling to stay afloat.  “At that time, the operations and funding were so small that we’d sometimes pass a hat around to make sure the next month’s expenses were covered,” he recalls. Inspired by the dedication and impact of the Beacon House, [...]

By |July 18th, 2024|Categories: Addiction, Recovery|Comments Off on Get to Know One of Our Longest Standing Donors

Celebrate this Dedication with Us

Have you ever heard someone share their life goals? Maybe their list was long or their aspirations sounded cliche. They want to hike up a large mountain. Or, they want to have a building named after them. Don and Jeanne Blackburn never sought after that goal for themselves, but on May 16th, 2024, our nonprofit facility and after-care residence was dedicated in their honor. An even more virtuous life goal that many boast is to do something that makes a real difference in the world. Whether or not the Blackburns ever voiced that desire, their actions over 25 years ago paved the way for the life-changing opportunities we now offer men in recovery every day.  When this couple took the first steps to found an after care program, it was because they simply wanted to walk alongside their son on his biggest climb of life over a mountain of addiction and onto a new path of sobriety! By immortalizing their legacy through the dedication of our building, we honor their profound impact and ensure their contributions continue to inspire and guide our work – and other men like their [...]

By |May 30th, 2024|Categories: Addiction, Recovery|Comments Off on Celebrate this Dedication with Us

See How Geoffrey Gives Back

Geoffrey's role at Beacon House is multifaceted. As the Director of Outreach Services, he spearheads educational initiatives in the community, emphasizing the significance of after-care in the recovery process. He tirelessly engages with different organizations, from hospitals and jails to detox facilities, building partnerships and spreading awareness about the support offered by the Beacon House. Geoffrey also wears another hat as the Lead Resident Manager, overseeing the well-being of residents, and leading the other managers in the program. He helps foster a supportive environment for their journey in sobriety. His interactions with residents are marked by empathy and understanding. His journey to joining our team began with his own journey with recovery. Raised in Indiana, he spiraled into a cycle of alcoholism that began at 16 and culminated in a seven-and-a-half-year prison sentence. It was during a subsequent brush with the law that Geoffrey confronted a pivotal choice – embrace sobriety or face the prospect of incarceration once more. “I didn’t want to get sober. I just wanted to stay out of prison.”  So, he negotiated through his lawyer a plan to go to an after-care program after detoxing, [...]

By |May 30th, 2024|Categories: Addiction, Recovery|Comments Off on See How Geoffrey Gives Back

Meet Brad: A Beacon of Hope

In the corridors of the Beacon House, there's a beacon of hope named Brad. A participant-turned-Resident Manager, Brad's story resonates with the very essence of healing and second chances. His recovery journey – and his journey with us – began in 2019 when he joined our Residential Program. Little did he know that this first step would lead to the beautiful life he has now.  Fast forward to May 2023, and Brad found himself donning a new title of Resident Manager, entrusted with the responsibility of guiding and nurturing residents who are in a critical time of life so familiar to him. With an innate understanding born from his own journey, Brad connects with residents, offering not just oversight but genuine empathy and support. His days are a blend of enforcing program rules and fostering an environment where residents feel heard and understood. Through daily interactions and personalized support methods like emotional check-in forms and goal setting, Brad ensures that no one inside the Beacon House feels like they're on the path to recovery alone. Reflecting on his own transformation, Brad's words resonate with authenticity and gratitude. "I can [...]

By |April 20th, 2024|Categories: Addiction, Recovery|Comments Off on Meet Brad: A Beacon of Hope

Our Founder Story

What do you get if you mix the human ingredients of need, challenge, compassion and love? If stirred with a gentle hand you get hope. Hope can come in many forms; a baby’s smile, a child’s laughter, a new job or the spring flowers as they poke their heads up through a late snow. In the case of many that suffer from the disease of addiction, hope comes in the form of the Beacon House in downtown Louisville. The Journey for Don & Jeanne Don and Jeanne Blackburn planted seeds of hope back in 1997 and they sprouted into a facility that provides hope every day for fifty men in recovery. The need was a safe place to continue recovery for their son. The challenge was to find that place. The compassion and love was the driving force that addressed that need and challenge. There was no place in Louisville for someone fresh out of treatment to get the additional help and guidance needed to cross that bridge from addiction to a respectable and productive life. Beginning the Beacon House Don and Jeanne reached out to the community and [...]

By |April 4th, 2024|Categories: Addiction, Recovery|Comments Off on Our Founder Story
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